The Trust Story ...
Trust is a not-for-profit registered social landlord, regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator, Care Inspectorate and Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR).
We're very proud of the Trust story ...
Trust was born out of a philanthropic movement in the 1970s and 2023 marked our 50th birthday. We were originally called Kirk Care and re-branded as Trust in 2004. Since our first development in Glasgow, we have grown into a national and forward-thinking social landlord, with 3,943 homes across the length and breadth of Scotland. We are also one of Scotland’s largest housing, care and support providers for older people.
We have a presence in 23 out of the 32 local authority areas in Scotland with around a third of our homes located in North Lanarkshire. While we are a national provider, we are very much rooted in the communities we serve. We have three main offices in Edinburgh, Wishaw and Glasgow with a further 68 Satellite sites across the length and breadth of Scotland.

Making life a little bit easier

Our primary social rented offer includes general needs housing (36%) for households of all ages and housing for later living (61%). In addition, we provide some mid-market homes and shared ownership.
We have specialised in housing, care and support services for older people for over 50 years. Our wide range of services - from landlord only to care and support - are flexible and tailored to the needs of individuals. This allows our customers to live independently with an enhanced quality of life, and their families to have peace of mind. We also act as a property manager for homeowners and sharing owners in our communities.
We're much more than a landlord and service provider
We are an organisation who care. We’re here to make a positive difference to the lives of our customers and the communities we serve. Our customers and communities are at the heart of everything we do, and our services are very people focused. As such, we are a large employer with over 720 full and part-time employees working across Scotland.
Trust’s success is built around our positive culture and our dedicated and talented employee team who go above and beyond to serve our customers and communities. Their performance underpins the quality of the services we provide and we are committed to continuously developing a motivated, empowered and engaged workforce. This commitment is demonstrated by our Investors in People Platinum (IIP) – representing the top 1% of organisations. We were proud to be shortlisted for ‘Employer of the Year 2022’ at IIP’s annual awards ceremony in November 2022.

A sector leading innovator

We're innovators in the sector and aim to redefine standards of service and go above and beyond expectations with visionary leadership, a progressive culture, technology enabled systems and an open attitude. We developed the nationally recognised housing with care model of service delivery and Happy to Translate service.
We are a growing organisation and offer a warm welcome to partnership, seeking out new relationships with partners who will bring fresh ideas and align with our values, and help us do more for our customers, communities and employees.
Over the years we have welcomed in customers and employees from North Ayrshire Council on the Isle of Arran, Crown Housing Association, Methodist Homes and most recently Wishaw & District Housing Association (WDHA) in 2019. We also significantly invest in our existing homes and services and play our part in developing new affordable housing through our ambitious new build programme.