Good governance is at the heart of everything we do at Trust. High standards of governance and financial management are the foundations to continuously delivering great services and experiences for our customers, colleagues and stakeholders.
Trust is run by a Board of voluntary members who set our strategic direction and hold our senior management team to account. Our Board is a mix of independent and customer members, and receive no remuneration for their services.
Trust Board adheres to a set of Governing Rules, based upon SHFA Charitable Model Rules (Scotland) 2020 and approved by our Members at the AGM in 2022.
You can read more about our areas of governance under the sections on the right.
The Board meet six-times yearly - you can read our recent Board Minutes. Our Audit & Performance Committee, which reports to Board, meets quarterly.
You can also read more about our Board members by visiting Our People page.
We are a non-profit registered charity with the 'Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator' (OSCR), who are the independent Regulator for Scottish Charities and major care providers.
We are also a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) with the Scottish Housing Regulator who set specific standards and regulatory requirements which all RSLs and local authorities must comply with, as per the Housing Act 2010.
SHR publishes a range of information on Trust including our 2024-25 Engagement Plan, our 'Assurance Statement', and our latest performance report.
What are the 7 Regulatory Standards?
- Trust Board leads and directs Trust to achieve good outcomes for our customers.
- Trust is open about and accountable for what we do. We understand and take account of the needs and priorities of our tenants, service users, and stakeholders. Boards focus is the sustainable achievement of these priorities.
- We manage resources to ensure financial well-being, whilst maintaining rents at a level that tenants can afford to pay.
- Trust Board bases its decisions on good quality information and advice and identifies and mitigates risks to Trust's purpose.
- We conduct our affairs with honesty and integrity.
- Trust Board and Senior Officers have the skills and knowledge they need to be effective.
- Trust ensures that any organisational changes or disposals made safeguard the interests of, and benefit, current and future tenants.
Each year, all landlords must declare to the Scottish Housing Regulator that they have met the Regulatory Standards and Requirements annually.
Trust's Board gather annually to review and assess a comprehensive bank of evidence which supports our Annual Assurance Statement to the Regulator.
You can read our current Assurance Statement below or get in touch with us via the contact us page.
We convene an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year to present the annual accounts, appoint our external auditors, and elect Members to the Trust Board.
Our Governing Rules allow Trust to hold AGMs virtually, using conference or video call facilities. To reduce travel emissions and costs, our 2024 AGM was held virtually on the 12th September 2024. All members were invited to attend virtually and a recording of the session can be watched here.
We have over 100 members across Scotland, membership is open to anyone over the age of 16 at a cost of £1.
A member becomes a shareholder of Trust, can vote on who joins the Board and attend the Annual General Meeting.
Members do not receive any payments or personal benefits.
Would you like more information on how to apply to become a member? Find out more by visiting our Trust membership page.
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