Net Zero
We're investing in a sustainable future! Our strategy, The Time is Now, is underpinned by a commitment to transition to net zero by 2045 at the very latest.

Our journey to net zero
Our business strategy, The Time is Now, is underpinned by a commitment to transition to net zero by 2045 at the very latest. We are investing in a net zero future and embedding a climate mindset across the organisation so that we can collectively and individually play our part in addressing the climate emergency.
We are working on our Time to go green strategy which will map out our journey to decarbonise Trust and will set out bold actions and the investment required to design and deliver a greener future. This will be part of our overall Asset & Development strategy which was established within the context of the Scottish Government’s Housing to 2040 Strategy with priorities which include:
- Decarbonising homes in line with Scotland’s climate ambitions, including adapting and retrofitting existing homes; and,
- Aiming for all new homes delivered by RSL’s and Local Authorities to be zero emissions by 2026
How we're making it happen
Achieving net zero is going to be challenging and will involve trade offs and difficult choices for Trust. It will also bring opportunities. It will require everyone working for Trust, our customers and partners to have a climate mindset and to adapt their choices and behaviours.
But we are ready to act. We are ready to be bold.
In Spring 2022 we began our planning, commissioning Zero Matters, a net zero consultancy, to undertake our first baseline carbon analysis and to prepare our first Net Zero Plan.
Establishing our baseline position was fundamental to (i) understanding our overall environmental impact, (ii) creating a benchmark with which to monitor our future emission reduction progress and (iii) informing the development of our Time to Go Green Strategy, which we will develop during the course of 2024.
The baseline study and our action plan was approved by Board in April 2023 and our journey to net zero has started with a number of exciting initiatives already underway - we will share much more in the near future!