The latest news from around and about Trust, covering our developments, customers and corporate news.

Allocations Policy Consultation
We are consulting with our customers, applicants and other stakeholders to get your views.

Gas Safety Week 2023- do you know how to stay gas safe?
It's Gas Safety Week! Do you know how to look out for signs and how to stay gas safe?
Annual Review & Accounts 2022-23
We recently published our Annual Review & Accounts for the financial year 2022-23, available to download from our website now.

Home For You – Joint Allocation Policy and System Update
Trust, Bield and Hanover have been working in partnership since 2007 in relation to the allocation of a proportion of...

Landmark Housing Project Launched on Arran
As Arran's largest social landlord, we're delighted to be part of a major research project that will help find solutions...

Langland Road, Govan, New Build Progressing Well
We're delighted to see our £9 million affordable housing development in Langlands Road, Govan, progressing quickly with the project due...

Say hello to our new brand identity and website!
2023 marks our 50th birthday and we're delighted to introduce you to our new corporate brand and website!

We are 50!
We are 50! To mark our big birthday, we will be holding a number of parties across the country over...

Wishaw & District Housing - seperate brand, website and Twitter ceased
Welcome to your new website and brand identity! The seperate Wishaw & District Housing brand, website and Twitter account ceased...

Trust Building 46 New Social Rented Homes In Govan
We are delighted to be working in partnership with Glasgow City Council and CCG (Scotland) to develop 46 new homes...

Trust Delivers on its Promise with 42 Affordable Homes in Wishaw Town Centre
We formally celebrated the completion of our new build project in Park Place, Wishaw, at an event attended by Clare...

Trust Secure Grant Funding to Support Arran Community
We recently collaborated with our community partners on the Isle of Arran to secure grant funding of £30,500 to support...