Trust Accredited with Investors in Diversity Gold & FREDIE Once Again

We are proud to have once again been accredited with Investors in Diversity Gold and FREDIE (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) by the National Centre for Diversity.
Here's what their CEO, Solat Chaudhry, had to say:
“I send my warmest congratulations to Trust Housing Association on successfully reaching number 19 in the Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2023. It’s been a challenging year and yet, it has not dented the excellent work that organisations and individuals do in promoting FREDIE best practice.
I am particularly proud that we celebrate excellent work across all sectors as these organisations are the future of the workplace in the UK.
We celebrate the exceptional work of people and organisations who have EDI running through their DNA. Let’s rejoice at this and build a better society."
The Investors in Diversity Award is recognised as the national equality standard, providing organisations with a bespoke approach for improving FREDIE practices in the workplace. Find out more by visiting their website here.
To learn more about the businesses joining us in this important achievement, you can also read the article here.