Your home & services
We're here to help. This section contains a range of useful information, you can use the links below to find out more about paying your rent, reporting a repair, raising a complaint, giving us your feedback, and much more.
Repairs & Maintenance
Need to raise a repair, request an adaptation to your property or would like more information about your responsibilities or ours?
Payments & Benefits Advice
Need help paying your rent, find out all the ways to pay your rent, need benefits advice or support with the cost of living?
Managing Your Tenancy & Home
While living with us in your home you will likely need to make changes to your tenancy as things change. Have you got a question about getting a pet, needing digital help, adding someone to your tenancy or even leaving your Trust home?
Keeping Safe & Secure
Feeling safe and secure in your Trust home is important to us. Need to know how we keep your property safe and secure, manage anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse or need some help with health & wellbeing?
Engaging With Us
We love to engage with our customer, this helps us understand what is important to you, what is going well and what could be better. You can engage with us in lots of ways and we will always aim to keep you informed.