Get involved
There are lots of ways our customers can get involved and make a real difference to their communities. Make your voice heard, we'd love to hear from you.
Ways to get involved
We want you to be involved at a level you feel comfortable with, that’s why there are a number of different options to choose from, these can include;
- being elected onto the Trust Board
- becoming a Trust Member
- attending the Tenants’ Conference and AGM
- joining the Customer Representatives; get in touch with your current group by emailing
- getting involved in consultations through our Registered Tenants’ Organisations and Focus Groups
- completing surveys to tell us your opinions and priorities - we really do value your feedback!
- raising a complaint if you are disappointed or dissatisfied by anything we do
- complimenting us, if you’ve had a good experience
- contributing and reading our newsletter - Trust Talk
- influencing what happens in your home – like choosing your kitchen or bathroom style.
Care & Support customers
If you live in one of our care & support development locations you can also get involved by;
- attending and having fun at local social activities
- actively participate in developing your Personal Plan (if you are in a Sheltered, Supported or a Housing with Care development)
- actively participate in our Let's Talk Trust appointments (formerly known as your Annual Development Visits, for more information, please contact your Customer Partner)
- taking part in menu planning (if Trust provides your meals)
- meeting with Board members and senior managers when they visit
- assisting in the selection process of new employees at your development
If you would like any additional information about how you can get involved at Trust please call our Customer Solutions Team on 0131 444 1200 or visit our Contact Us page to complete our online form and we will get back in touch with you.
View Our 3-Year Customer Engagement Strategy Below

Customer Engagement Strategy 2023-26 Edited 2024
Download Customer Engagement Strategy 2023-26 Edited 2024 PDF