Mobility scooters
We realise that electric mobility scooters are not only becoming more affordable but are a fantastic way for people to continue to getting out and about. However, it's important that scooters are used and stored safely.
Before you purchase an electric scooter
Electric scooters are considered to be outdoor vehicles and must not normally be used to get around indoors - for example to get to the lounge or the laundry. However, permission may be granted for you to do so.
It is important that extra care is taken when using a scooter in and around a Trust development or in the garden.
To support us to maintain the safety and security of both yourself and others it's important that you apply for permission before purchasing a mobility scooter. This is because we need to complete a risk assessment to make sure there is a safe place to store and charge your scooter.
To apply, you can either:
- Write to us:
- Health & Safety Officer, 12 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL
- Email us:
Please include the details of the scooter you wish to have and where you wish to store it. We aim to reply to all requests within 15 working days.
Refusal Reasons
We will usually grant permission, though we will always explain why should it not be possible to do so. Permission may be refused if:
- major work to the building would be required, with unreasonable cost, damage or disruption
- your scooter is not insured
- the conditions attached to permission are not followed
We will need to undertake a risk assessment before we can grant permission. A Risk Assessment involves a careful look at all the risks and hazards associated with something - in this case, having an electric scooter. Staff will look at keeping everyone safe, including things like:
- Can the scooter be stored and charged safely in your flat?
- If not, can it be safely stored and charged somewhere else?
- Will the storage and charging cause any risk (including fire hazard) to anyone?
- If so, how can this risk be as low as possible?
- Will the storage and charging cause unacceptable damage?
You will be asked to sign a mandate agreeing to terms and conditions relating to you and your use of your electric scooter. These are likely to include conditions like:
You must:
- use your scooter safely in the development
- store and charge your scooter safely, usually in your own flat
- use special care and attention within Trust’s premises
- understand that you will be charged if you damage Trust’s property
- have insurance
- maintain the scooter in line with the maker’s instructions
- only use sealed batteries
- accept that you use and store your scooter at your own risk
- provide a copy of your insurance documents on request at any time
- understand that permission may be withdrawn if, for example, the storage area is needed for another purpose or an unacceptable risk is identified at a later date.
Insurance is essential.
You may be asked to provide a copy of your insurance documents at any time. You will need Third Party, Accidental Damage and Theft insurance. Many electric scooter sellers also provide
If you do not have insurance, permission to have an electric scooter will be refused or withdrawn.
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