We understand that many households benefit from keeping a pet. Unless there is good reason, we will be happy to welcome your pet into your home.
To help us make sure your home is suitable for your pet and vice versa, you must request permission to keep any pets in your Trust home.
This includes any uncaged animal, such as a dog or cat, or any exotic or non-domestic species of animal or reptile. You must also request permission for a fish tank with a volume of 150 litres or more so that we can check that the load bearing capacity in the property is sufficient.
Permission will normally be granted for one pet, subject to the conditions below. We will sometimes consider applications to keep more than one animal, depending on the size and type of animal and the suitability of the property.
You do not normally need to get permission for small caged animals and birds, fish tanks under 150 litres or assistance dogs. However, you are still responsible for any nuisance or damage and must adhere to the conditions noted below.
If you are given permission, you will need to sign an agreement confirming acceptance of the conditions for keeping a pet, which can be found below;
- You are responsible for the behaviour of any pets owned by you or by anyone living with or visiting you. You must ensure that pets are supervised, kept under control and do not cause nuisance or annoyance to neighbours, visitors, staff or contractors. This includes fouling, noise and odours from pets. Dogs must always be kept on a short lead in common areas, shared gardens and grounds, and not allowed outside a your property unaccompanied. Pets are not permitted inside communal lounges, dining rooms or guest bedrooms.
- You must ensure your pet does not cause damage or deterioration to your own, your neighbours, or any other property. This includes the interior décor and paintwork of the property or common areas, any fixtures and fittings, any common parts, or any garden or landscaped areas. We will require that any such damage is either made good by you, or you will be charged for the damage.
- You must arrange for adequate cleaning, particularly at the end of the tenancy. You will be charged for the cost of any premature replacements or additional cleaning due to staining, odour, infestation or damage caused by pets.
- You must always clean up dog or cat faeces immediately.
- You must not normally leave any pets alone in the property for any prolonged length of time if you are away, and never overnight, unless suitable arrangements have been made to provide adequate care.
- You may not breed or sell animals on a commercial basis from the property.
- You are not permitted to keep livestock, dogs listed by the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, an animal listed in the Schedule of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976, or an animal prohibited by any other law.
- You may not put up any outside accommodation for a pet such as a dog kennel or rabbit hutch unless you have our written permission. This will only be considered where you have a garden for your sole use.
- We will withdraw permission for you to keep a pet and require its removal if it is causing nuisance or damage or if you have been negligent in its care.
- We will take legal action to end your tenancy if you do not fully address concerns in relation to a pet or remove a pet on having permission withdrawn.
Have a question or need to request permission?
To discuss permission to keep a pet or any other queries in relation to pets please contact your Customer Partner or our Customer Solutions Team on 0131 444 1200.
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