Owner services
We provide factoring services to over 380 owners who live in our mixed tenure developments. We arrange to carry out the necessary works to the common parts on developments on behalf of all residents in order to keep them well maintained.
Our factoring service
We aim to provide a comprehensive factoring service to owners who live in our mixed tenure developments where there are common parts that all residents have a joint responsibility to maintain, such as roofs and large areas of common grass. We will arrange to carry out the necessary works to these common parts on behalf of all residents in order to keep them well maintained. Our factored owners will receive a Written Statement outlining the service we will provide to you.
Our team carry out regular inspections to identify any repairs or maintenance works that need to be undertaken to keep the areas well maintained, clean, tidy and safe. The type of work we carry out includes:
- Landscaping of common areas, including grass cutting, maintaining shrub beds and pruning trees
- Repairing and painting of boundary fences and public gates
- Removal of graffiti and rubbish
- Maintaining play areas, if any
- Maintaining and repairing common parts in flats such as the gutters, roofs and external walls
- Maintaining common lighting in backcourt areas
- Organising and supervising maintenance contracts
Factoring charges & Buildings Insurance
The cost of the necessary works are recovered from our factored owners - the share that owners pay towards the maintenance of common parts is outlined in the provisions of a legal document called a Deed of Conditions, which is part of the Title Deeds when you buy a property.
Our charges are based on the actual costs of any work undertaken plus a management fee to cover the cost of overheads such as staff time. We aim to keep the management fee as low as possible.
We issue an annual factoring invoice to factored owners with a breakdown of all charges issued for the relevant period. Factored owners in tenement buildings are invoiced on a 6-monthly basis. Full payment of your factoring invoice is due within 30 days of receipt. However, you can arrange to make weekly or monthly payments, or set up a direct debit with us to spread the cost over the year.
Factored owners can insure their property through our Common Buildings Insurance Policy which covers the property and any common parts of the building against damage caused by fire, flood or storms. Please note, it does not cover your home contents or personal belongings. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a quote.